Evolution of the Appliance: The Story of the Dishwashers

By Mahsa Azizi



Today’s appliances are not the same as those of your parents. With smart technology improving and making everything smarter, from your TV to your thermostat, appliances are no different. You can turn your dishwasher on using your smartphone even when you are not home.  You can also schedule the dishwasher to run at peak hours to save energy.  Have commercial appliances, normally sold to restaurants, found their way into the average household? In this series of articles, we will explore where each of the following appliances is with regard to features, style, and price:

In this article, we are talking about Dishwashers. Dishwashers are one of our most useful appliances and are increasing in popularity. They make our lives easier by eliminating the need to scrub dishes every day. A dishwasher saves you time over hand-washing your dishes especially if you are busy or have a large family. Additionally, dishwashers are more hygienic and effective cleaners. Today a dishwasher is a must for most households.

Dishwashers have come a long way since the first hand-powered one was invented. Today’s dishwashers are more sleek and powerful than ever before. If you are interested in discovering the latest dishwasher trends, keep reading this article.


Although the history of dishwashers is not very long, they have come a long way over the last couple of decades. In 1886, Josephine Cochrane created the first practical dishwasher. It was a wooden hand-powered dishwasher that washed the dishes by spraying soapy hot water and then clean water to rinse.

Over time dishwashers became powered by electricity and more efficient. By the 1970’s, dishwashers were popular in North American and European homes. The development of dishwashers continues to make them more convenient and energy efficient.

Technology and Dishwashers

While some dishwasher styles, like portable dishwashers, have gone out of style, modern dishwashers are more high-tech and faster than ever. Incorporating technology improves the efficiency and beauty of dishwashers. The industry has moved toward dishwashers that consume less water and energy and perform better; such as washing with minimum noise while running. Technology has gone beyond the primary purpose of the dishwasher and now offers smart features that provide you with more efficiency.

Features of the Latest Dishwashers

  • The dishwashers available today come with a variety of features that make operating them easier. A smart dishwasher uses Wi-Fi connectivity to connect to other appliances and your phone. In general, all smart dishwashers let you know how long is left in the cycle and provide leak detection as well as delayed start options. You can lock or unlock the dishwasher, start washing, and monitor the cycle status via your phone.


  • You will receive alerts on your phone when the detergent is getting low or when a leak is detected. Some devices have anti-leak and anti-overflow technology that automatically turn off the water supply if a leak is detected.


  • Remote diagnostics is another option of the smart dishwasher. If there is something wrong with your dishwasher, technicians can diagnose it online. When the problem can be solved remotely, it is fixed quickly; if not, a technician can be sent to your home.


  • Some smart dishwashers can optimize water and energy use based on the number of dishes and how dirty they are in order to be more energy-efficient.


  • Another interesting option that some smart dishwashers have that can save you money is the ability to decide when it is the cheapest to run the cycles based on your electricity consumption costs.


  • Some dishwashers use zeolite, a mineral that can absorb moisture and produce heat, during the dry cycle. During this process, zeolite generates heat and dries the dishes without using electricity, which is amazing.


  • Did you know that after the wash cycle, it is better to open the dishwasher door, so the dishes dry without watermarks? The brand new dishwashers do this automatically with the use of fans to keep steam away. This feature saves you time and energy by speeding up the drying process.



When buying new appliances, the latest model is not always the best choice. You need to know what features you are looking for in an appliance and how much you are willing to spend for those features. A good rule of thumb for dishwashers is that anything under $300 will be a basic model and not have all the bells and whistles of the top-of-the-line models.

Smart dishwashers are definitely more expensive than non-smart dishwashers. The price varies depending on the model and features, but the average price is between $650 and $1,600.

Smart dishwashers are not a must-have in your home. If you have the budget to upgrade, it is worth buying the new smart dishwasher. Keep in mind, paying extra for a smart dishwasher now, one that is water and energy efficient, can save you money in the long run.



The dishwasher continues to evolve as technology grows. Designing appliances that use smart technology makes them more environmentally friendly.  As we all know, water is precious and is one of the biggest environmental issues around the world today.  Dishwasher technology can help alleviate some of these problems.

According to prudentreviews, standard-size dishwashers on average consume 4.2 gallons of water per cycle. For dishwashers with the ENERGY STAR label, the average amount of water used each cycle has decreased to 3.2 gallons as a result of technological advancement. Even though this is an improvement, that is still a lot of water. Future dishwashers that do not utilize water to clean the dishes are something I hope to see. The dishwasher of the future may be this one.


  • Mahsa

    Mahsa holds a master's degree in architectural technology. Her passion for researching and writing flows through in content writing. She writes about different topics related to "Homes" including home renovation, home purchase, and home trends.

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  • Mahsa

    Mahsa holds a master's degree in architectural technology. Her passion for researching and writing flows through in content writing. She writes about different topics related to "Homes" including home renovation, home purchase, and home trends.

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